Survive During Quarantine Day of Corona Virus


2020 is a year that human has never expected. The year when all the systems that had been designed with a revolutionary order for years were destroyed instantly in a matter of months. The world is struggling with the deadly virus that was spread from the capital of Hubei province, China which makes everything seems dead.

The spread of the coronavirus called COVID virus 19 significantly has changed many world settings including economic, social, and education. Since the spread of the COVID 19 virus in many countries, here it goes, the virus is finally coming into Indonesia. Taken from Tribun, President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo announced through the press that “the spread of the corona or COVID 19 virus had entered Indonesia and the first victim is a woman from Depok, West Java who has a history of contact interactions with foreigners from Japan “. President Joko Widodo’s statement immediately made people panic and fret because everyone is afraid of contracting a deadly virus that there is effective vaccine yet up to now.

Starting the first case of the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the number of positive cases is increasing day by day, the head of the COVID Task Force acceleration handler 19, Ahmad Yurianto, from on May 11, 2020, the spread of COVID 19 is significantly and continuing. In that case, Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, on March 16, 2020 announced in the media that “the spread of the COVID 19 virus is already at a dangerous level (pandemic). Therefore, to break the chain of the spread of the COVID 19 virus, it must be stopped by social distancing, working at home, and studying at home. In line with the orders from the government, the economic, social, and education sectors in Indonesia have become chaotic. In addition, there are many unilateral layoffs due to the economic downturn in Indonesia and the world. The education world that has been running, in general, seems to stop in the middle of the road. Many educational institutions ranging from elementary school to college are turning the brain to change all the systems that are ripe made. Considerations to the sake of the changes, one by one educational institution conducts lectures or online studies through supported applications. State Islamic   Institute of Kediri (IAIN KEDIRI) for instance, during this pandemic they applied online lectures such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and others E-learning.

System changes and by the time this situation brings many problems. The problem is about lectures via online learning. Online learning requires an internet connection to access the website. For this reason, students must have a data connection, in this digital age, many providers provide internet data packages for learning ranging from affordable rates to expensive fees. This condition makes students feel a dilemma and even more so if their internet packages run out in the middle of ongoing learning. There are many pros and cons to this, but they do not sit back and complain. It is precisely time in this case that the soul of creativity and talent of students is formed independently as it is, they usually ask for money from their parents to buy an internet data package which they think twice about asking for because economic conditions are very bad at this time. Realizing that they are racking their brains to be able to meet the needs of scholars such as buying data packages for online lectures and helping the family’s economy because of the impact of this COVID 19, for example, a student majoring in English literature at University of Muhammadiyah Malang fills the quarantine period of COVID 19 by becoming an English translator. There is also an online tutor influencer teaching English such as a lecturer at the Kediri State Islamic Institute, Nurul Aini. Mpd.

Difficult times in the corona pandemic era that have paralyzed in many aspects of the world makes humans become individuals who must be able to adapt in difficult times like this. The economy is down, the education system is not a big thing as we try as much as possible with the knowledge we get. Salam… (AIN)

Imam Syafii*

Imam Syafii*

*Imam Syafii: an Active student of English Department, IAIN Kediri

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