Hero of The Nation


My homeland is based on Indonesia

Now, you stand alone firmly like ocean rocks

Freedom from the colonialists who suffocated

Do you know who drivers of this independence?


For you homeland fighters

Standing firmly against the captives

Armed with sharp bamboo and determination

You are ready to throw the gravel from the earth


Oh the sons and daughters of the nation

Do you realize the struggle of the nation’s shields?

The sun of the nation does not recognize retreat

For the sake of the birth of the nation’s successor


The sharpened bamboo of Indonesia

For the sake of the blood you spilled

We are sons and daughters of the nation

Will fight for the earth although in a different way (EN)


Biografi Penulis

*) Nur Cahyati

Seorang mahasiswi aktif program studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris semester akhir di IAIN Kediri. Selain menjadi mahasiswi, penulis juga merupakan salah satu santri Syarif Hidayatullah Cyber Pesantren. Untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang penulis dapat menghubungi e-mail [email protected] atau follow akun Instagramnya @_nurcahyatii.

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