

At the bottom of a lie I’m running

in trust I’m running,

in sorrow I’m running,

There’s no place that means anything


An inappropriate journey

for one unworthy,

Only to a mortal life,

Till the destruction is lost


Misfortune kept be falling

a nightmare tempted the running

Because an event brought suffering

Is there a helper for a person who keeps running


It’s only a matter of time before he’s stunned,

his breath might be paralyzed

But it’s a ridiculous act to hide never tired.

To the level of humor he provided


Too bad for the runner

Fight for honnor

Your soul will always remember

Who run every barrier  (DEW)

Biografi Penulis

Refa Angger Wahyu

Refa Angger Wahyu, salah satu mahasiswa aktif program studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris semester tujuh IAIN Kediri. selain sibuk dengan kegiatan perkuliahan, penulis juga menjadi Pengurus Dema Fakultas Tarbiyah di IAIN Kediri. Untuk mengenal lebih jauh penulis, dapat follow akun Instagramnya @refaerawan5

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